Health and Fire SafetySchool superintendents are becoming increasingly more concerned about the ‘fire safety’ and the ‘health and nutrition education’ courses for homeschooled students. It is important that each student–elementary through high school–cover major concepts in each of these areas. Below you will find several ideas about how you might implement these programs in your homeschool:Contact your local fire department and medical professional; ask for brochures and/or activity books that they use when they visit local schools and present fire safety and health programs.For elementary-aged students the book No Dragons for Tea is a delightful storybook that presents the student with the rules for home fire safetyArrange a field trip to your local fire department and medical buildings.Schedule regular visits for the whole family to your physician to emphasize the importance of proper health care.It is also a good idea to contact your local school district to find out what types of materials and programs they are using to teach these concepts. They should be more than happy to share some of these materials and books with you.