There are some very important things that you can be doing during your sophomore year to prepare for your future.  Follow these steps to lead to success:


  • Take the PSAT
  • Prepare for the ACT by taking the ASPIRE assessment.  Sign up here:
  • Discuss any changes in your career plan with your advisor so your projected course of studies can be adjusted if necessary.
  • Become familiar with the college/trade school application process to ensure you are prepared when the time comes.
  • Research potential career options to determine the type of training that is involved and look for internship opportunities to get a real-life feel for the profession.
  • Seek out leadership positions in the extra-curricular activities you are participating in.
  • READ and WRITE!  Practice in both of these skill areas will help in any career and when it comes time to take the SAT and ACT exams.


  • Keep focusing on your studies to earn high scores in all subject areas.
  • Attend college and career fairs in your area to meet representatives from the schools you are interested in.
  • Contact schools of interest to obtain more information about their programs.  Make sure that you are meeting their admissions requirements.  If not, talk to your advisor about what you need to do to change this.
  • Get a job!  This not only looks great to future employers, colleges, and trade schools but you can start your own savings account to help with your post-high school plans.