Textbook course materials must be returned in new, unused condition with no writing on materials within 30 days of the original shipment date to be eligible for refund. Customers are responsible for the cost of return shipping on all independent products.

To return an independent product you have purchased from Bridgeway Academy, go to homeschoolacademy.com/returns

  1. Locate the reference number on the warehouse order form included in your shipment. The REF# can be found in the top right-hand corner. 
  2. Go to homeschoolacademy.com/returns
  3. Enter the reference number and click Search.
  4. Select the items you wish to return.
  5. Click “Create Request” to generate a printable PDF form to include in your return shipment. The return address is also printed on this form. Please note that the form is NOT a pre-paid return label. You are responsible for shipping charges for the return items.
  6. Include this form in your return shipment.

Disclaimer: We recommend requesting a tracking number from your mail carrier to ensure your return reaches our warehouse. Bridgeway is not responsible for lost mail.

This return form is only for independent textbooks and curriculum. Self-Paced Online or Live Online Class refunds must be requested through our help desk. You can reach them at 610-600-9406 during regular business hours or visit help.bridgewayacademy.com and submit a support ticket.