Sometimes your web browser will not automatically accept cookies from 3rd party websites. And sometimes you will not be asked with a pop-up to accept the cookies. These steps will show you how to enter the website URL to force the cookies through. The steps below will cover the website Moodle for Chrome and Firefox.

    Other websites you can use in place of the Moodle URL are:

  • Edgenuity:
  • Blended LMS:
  • Galileo Benchmark tests:
  • Galileo MyPath:
  • Rosetta Stone:
  • MyTek Labs:

Google Chrome:

  1. Click on the 3 dots in the top right corner of the browser, and select Settings. then scroll down to the Privacy and Security section, and select Cookies and other site data.
  2. Scroll down to the Customized Behaviors section, and click on Add.
  3. A new window will pop up. Enter in the URL you want to have forced through, in this example, we are using Moodle: Check on the box for Allow 3rd Party cookies. Click on Add once it's typed in.
  4. You might need to close your browser and reload it to take effect.


  1. Click on the 3 lines on the top right corner of the browser, and select Settings. Then on the left side click on Privacy & Security. Scroll down until you see Cookies and Site Data. Click on the button for Manage Exceptions.
  2. A new window will pop up. Enter in the URL you want to have forced through, in this example, we are using Moodle: Then click on Allow. The URL will now appear on the list. Click on Save Changes.
  3. You might need to close your browser and reload it to take effect.